
energy is constantly moving & transmuting.

the law of conservation of matter explains that matter cannot be destroyed, only transformed. 

it all begins with awareness, manifestation, life, death, rebirth! everything in the universe is under the law of conservation of matter (living organisms or inanimate objects).

observe this pattern all around you: sun sets and rises, moon phases, seasons, life&death, awake&asleep, menstruation… these are the cycles of nature!

cycles teach us that renewal is key in life-sustaining! aligned with cycles one creates space for the wild-self, the animalistic part of the human being who is and will always be a child of the Earth. there is power in choosing to embrace renewal with openness rather than trying to control by resisting to let go.

resistance to change is closely related with the primal brain and it’s survival mode - but we don’t live in primal times no more and most of human experience is ruled by this fear that is out of place, being projected in loved ones or situations that have long expired, causing discord and misunderstanding. going back to nature’s intelligence and in silence one can find the answers!

to honor, surrender and accept cycles means living in harmony, grounding, understanding and grace.
cycles show us clearly what needs to be born and what must be gone! holding on causes stagnancy and blocks the life force energy from flowing - initially felt on the subtle bodies (emotional, mental, astral - dreams).

when not addressed the somatization of these symptoms manifests in the physical body as discomfort or in extreme cases of acute attachment: disease… so that the energy can finally be seen, acknowledged welcomed and released - ending the cycle.

I invite you to welcome changes instead of trying to hold and control the inevitable. 
to be a cyclical being is to live fully in the present, enjoying what is here and now rather than gripping to past or anxiously projecting future -  ancestral knowledge must be reawakened within and applied in harmony with science. 

black & white thinking


sex & creativity