
“It's only when caterpillarness is done that one becomes a butterfly. That again is part of this paradox. You cannot rip away caterpillarness. The whole trip occurs in an unfolding process of which we have no control.”

Ram Dass - Be Here Now

life is a gift from existence, to be lived and enjoyed - with the programming and conflicting demands of morality and culture, humans struggle with feelings of unfulfilled potential, frustration and guilt, rather than living liberated.

unity consciousness has no division between higher and lower. the ordinary, things of life are transmuted into great things when we experience them totally – be it cooking, cleaning or making love.

to evolve is possible through experiencing - one who embraces all experiences as sacred knows that what the mind senses a setback is ultimately here for our evolution.

when we experience & evolve with acceptance our level of awareness expands.

nature gives us the perfect exemple and since nature is perfect, so are we.

The butterfly is a marvellous demonstration of the power of trust & vulnerability & in the miracle of metamorphosis. Darpan

trust the timeline of your life! evolution has no time or space, neither works in linearity - it is simply a universal law. sometimes energy transmutes quickly and at other times it takes a journey.

that is how is see evolution - a natural cycle of being a living organism that is way more about savoring the journey than merely the final result. 

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