
the first entity we must dismantle on our journey through self knowledge is the human MIND.

the mind is our companion throughout our whole lives - reality is real but it is always subjective to the perception of my mind.

where do you choose to invest your energy?

how do you choose to dedicate your time and attention?

the body signals and the mind goes the opposite way with stories and projections, always somewhere outside of ones own body.

waiting for the next trip, the partner, the government, religion, God… name it! someone from the outside to save itself from suffering.
as long as the mind gives meanings and value to objects out of the self, one cannot be fully happy and free. 

one experience happiness while exchanging love with a another human fellow but that someone is not the source of our happiness or love - i love because love is in me, not because i need that person in my life… i can love them or anything else in the creation - the one who loves is the one who experiences it.

this shifts the experience from depending on something outside of me to my total responsibility! woaaah, how liberating is this :)

to understand and choose what is important - a mind that is constantly giving importance to someone or somewhere outside may not attain freedom.

focusing the attention on an object, limits the experience like a funnel - to expand consciousness is to become aware of infinite love and freedom that resides within.

meditation brings us back to (self) lucidity… expansion!




awareness… what is happening within the body?

transcending the inner monologue, listening to the body cues 
mind and body in harmony anchoring energy 

the connection with the others will not be authentic whenever based on these projections that put so much weight on our interpersonal relationships.

where do you put your focus and energy?

liberate yourself and those around you!



